2025 Annual Meeting
Wednesday, May 21, 2025, at 12:00 pm
The 2025 Annual Meeting of the members of the United States Senate Federal Credit Union will be held Wednesday, May 21, 2025, at 12:00 pm. In-person attendance will be limited to the minimum number of organizational leaders, staff and members that are necessary to carry out the meeting according to the federal regulatory requirements of the National Credit Union Administration. Members are invited to join us virtually by accessing the live event link, which will be available prior to the start of the meeting.
In May 2025, three (3) seats on the USSFCU Board of Directors will expire. Pursuant to Article V of the USSFCU by-laws, a Nominating Committee was appointed, and the following candidates were nominated to fill these vacancies:

- USSFCU member since 1989
- Member of the USSFCU Supervisory Committee since 2019
- Retired from the U.S. Senate Sergeant at Arms in 2021 after 33 years of service
- Led major IT projects for the Senate for nearly 20 years, retiring as the Manager of Systems Design, Development and Implementation
- Former board member of the Esther Peterson Child Development Center at DOL
- Bachelor of Arts from the Catholic University of America

- Member since 1973
- Member of the Board of Directors since 2005
- Served on the Executive Committee
- Served as Chairman of the Nominating Committee
- Served as a volunteer on the Asset/Liability Management Committee (ALCO)
- Served for over 33 years in the following Senatorial offices; Deputy Chief of Staff for Senator Conrad Burns, Administrative Director for Senator Chic Hecht, Office Manager for Senator S. I. Hayakawa and Legislative Secretary for Senator James Buckley
- Chaired the U.S. Senate Republican Office Managers/Administrative Directors/Chief Clerks Chaired Joint Meetings for Republican and Democratic Administrative Directors Chaired the Senate Steering Committee
- A.S. Business Administration, University of South Carolina Georgetown Senior Executive Leadership Program graduate

- Member since 1997
- USSFCU Secretary/Treasurer
- Past Chairman of the United States Senate Federal Credit Union Supervisory Committee (2003-2006)
- Former Financial Clerk of the U.S. Senate
- Internal audit experience with a Fortune 500 company
- External audit experience for a Public Accounting Firm
- B.S. degree in Business Administration
Nominations for vacancies may also be made by petition signed by no more than one percent 1% (max 500) of USSFCU members. The Nominating Committee must receive petitions no later than 4:00 pm on Monday, April 7, 2025. The election will not be conducted by ballot and there will be no nominations from the floor when the number of nominees equals the number of positions to be filled.