Primary Savings
Primary Savings
Become a member for life* by opening a Primary Savings account. By establishing an NCUA insured, dividend-bearing Primary Savings account, USSFCU members gain access to the full range of USSFCU products and services — from home equity loans to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and beyond.
Reg D Transaction Limits Lifted - The Federally mandated transaction limitation placed on savings and money market accounts has been lifted by the Federal Reserve. You are no longer limited to only 6 monthly withdrawals, transfers or transactions with Primary Savings, Youth Savings and Money Market accounts.
- An individual membership grants access to other USSFCU financial services and products
- Dividends earned on savings balances are compounded daily and credited/paid monthly
- Free online, mobile, telephone banking, and eNotices**
- Surcharge-free ATMs
- NCUA insured to $250,000
Deposits at all federal credit unions and the vast majority of state-chartered credit unions are covered by National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF) protection. Not one penny of insured savings has ever been lost by a member of a federally insured credit union.
Federally insured credit unions offer a safe place for you to save your money, with deposits insured up to at least $250,000 per individual depositor. The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) is the independent agency that administers the NCUSIF. Like the FDIC's Deposit Insurance Fund, the NCUSIF is a federal insurance fund backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government.
For questions about the NCUA’s share insurance coverage, call 1.800.755.1030, option 1, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern, or send an email to [email protected]. This toolkit contains a variety of helpful resources for credit unions regarding the Share Insurance Fund.
Share Insurance Toolkit from
The toolkit has great resources like estimators, publications, videos and more.
*Must maintain a minimum balance of $5 to remain an active member. **Data carrier rate may apply.