Debt Shield™

Your safeguard against the unexpected.

Your family means everything to you. And if the unexpected happens, you don’t want an emotionally trying situation to be compounded by financial worry. That’s why there’s Debt Protection, which cancels or reduces your loan balance or payments up to contract maximums in case of:

  • Involuntary unemployment - a covered job loss occurs
  • Disability - a covered disability occurs due to illness or injury
  • Death - protected borrower passes away

Terms and conditions apply.

Designed with you in mind.

More than ever, we all worry about things that might happen tomorrow. United States Senate Federal Credit Union’s Debt Shield™ provides an important sense of financial security – knowing your loan will not become a burden to you in times of hardship. 

Cancel at any time.

You may cancel USSFCU’s Debt Shield™ at any time. If you do so within the first 30 days, we will refund any fees already paid.

Take a step toward financial security.

Ask your USSFCU Loan Representative about Debt Shield today or call Member Services at 800.374.2758 to learn more!

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Debt Protection is optional and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement required to obtain a loan. Certain eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions may apply. Please contact your loan representative or refer to the contract for a full explanation of the terms. You will receive the contract before you are required to pay for Debt Protection. You may cancel the protection at any time. If you cancel protection within 30 days you will receive a full refund of any fee paid.

DEBT SHIELD™ is a trademark of the United States Senate Federal Credit Union (USSFCU). Use of the name Debt Shield™ without the express consent of USSFCU is strictly prohibited.

Membership eligibility required. Federally Insured by NCUA.